Myofascial Release

Fascia is the connective tissue of the body, extending out 3-dimensionally like a spider web throughout the whole body, head to toes. It covers and connects every system of our body. There is even a microfascial system within every cell. The fluid/viscous substance within the fascial system is referred to as the fascia’s ‘ground substance’; it is the environment of every cell. It is the recognition of this fluid aspect of the fascial system that recently has become a major shift in the understanding of cellular function and how to improve our bodies’ physiology, thereby reducing pain and restoring function.

Restrictions occur in the Fascial System from trauma, including the scar tissue of surgery, chronic poor posture, including bracing and holding patterns, and thwarted inflammatory responses. The fascial restrictions place tremendous pressure (up to 2,000 lbs. per square inch) on the body’s nerves, muscles, blood vessels, bones and organs. This can result in pain, with or without a decrease in range of motion and often a loss of strength. Standard tests, such as x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans and electromyography do not show the fascial restrictions, often giving rise to the faulty interpretation that there is nothing wrong.

The Myofascial Release Approach (MFR) developed by John Barnes, PT involves applying gentle, sustained pressure (with the therapist’s hands/manual therapy) into the fascial restrictions throughout the entire body. This Manual Therapy is done on the whole body, not just the region of pain. Whereas, due to the viscoelastic quality of the fascial system, a suddenly applied force into the Fascial System will tend to have limited results, the gentle application of sustained pressure into the Fascial System can produce powerful results. This essential ‘time element’ has to do with the ‘viscous flow’ quality of the fascia and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

The MFR Approach is very beneficial, but not limited, to those suffering with the following conditions:

Chronic Pain

Back Pain

Cervical Pain



Plantar Fascittis

Sports Injuries

TMJ Disorders

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Women’s Health Issues

Hip and Knee Pain

Frozen Shoulder